How to Prevent Heating Repair
A man is fixing the door on an old refrigerator.

One of the most annoying things that could happen to a homeowner is a sudden system breakdown. There’s a lot of joy in owning a home, but suddenly you are responsible for any repairs. And when a heating system breaks down in the middle of winter, you cannot stand to go without it for very long.

That’s why it’s better to do what you can to prevent heating repair in the first place. Early on, when temperatures first start to drop, you should think about what you can do to stop a system breakdown. Our HVAC experts are here to offer some advice.

Get your heater professionally maintained

One of the best ways to prevent heating repair is to have your furnace looked at by a professional technician each year. A good company will do more than just a basic overview of the system, though. Along with a complete inspection, you get an adjustment of some components, including tasks like cleaning the burners and tightening electrical connections.

After all of this, you may find out your system needs repairs—but sooner is always better than later. Plus, the tune-up can help your heating system to last for longer. It runs smoothly, which can reduce the chances of a system breakdown.

Don’t forget about the filter in the fall and winter

You may remember to change the air filter in the summer when your air conditioner is running nonstop. But in the fall and winter, it’s easy to forget. We recommend setting a calendar reminder in your phone.

A dirty filter does more than harm your air quality. It blocks air from flowing through to the furnace. This can cause the system to overheat and create a potentially dangerous situation. Otherwise, components can get worn out as the fan is moving constantly.

Try using your system a little less

Minimizing use of your heating system is one way to keep the parts in good working order, reduce wear and tear, and potentially delay repairs. This is, of course, easier said than done. But most people are actually quite comfortable keeping the temperature at about 70°F (or even lower!) rather than, say 75°F.

There are other ways to stay warm. Dressing in layers, keeping blankets near seating areas, and adding rugs or carpet are a few ways to do this. After a few changes to your environment, you may realize you’ve had your thermostat up too high all along.

Upgrade your thermostat

If you’re having trouble keeping temperatures at a reasonable setting, try upgrading your thermostat. A smart thermostat, that uses Wi-Fi to keep you connected remotely, allows you to adjust temperatures from anywhere, set schedules, and keep from over-using your heating system.

Many people love that their thermostat can help to reduce monthly costs. But the added bonus is that your system does not have to handle all of the wear and tear it does with a basic thermostat. No more worrying about leaving your heater on by accident when you leave the home!

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