How to Find the Most Efficient AC Installation for Your Home
A red flower is growing in front of an air conditioner.

We don’t think you should have to make this decision alone. The air conditioning industry and the current market for central air conditioners are things most homeowners know little about, and that makes sense! After all, you should only have to purchase a new air conditioner every 10 years or so—assuming your system is running smoothly.

You may not have a wealth of experience with picking out a new AC system, but never fear: we’re here to help! Call our friendly comfort specialists for more information and to start your installation process, and read on for tips and advice on selecting the right AC installation for your space.

Keep in mind: That great deal may not be what it seems!

First, it’s important to try to steer away from looking for the lowest price on a new air conditioner. The installer offering this deal may be hiding additional costs, or you might not be looking at a quality piece of equipment. Inexpensive air conditioners tend to fail for one reason or another, far sooner than they should.

What you really want is an air conditioner that will help you to save money in the long term. And you’re not going to get that from the cheapest system on the market. That can only come from proper sizing and high efficiency.

Don’t pick an air conditioner that’s too small or too large

You may be able to figure out why an air conditioner that is too small is a bad idea. It will not be able to cool your home if the space is too large. That equates to discomfort. Also, since the system runs constantly, the parts are bound to wear out quickly.

But did you know that an air conditioner can be too large also? Many people assume that a bigger air conditioner just means more power. However, if your home is too small for the work, the air conditioner will short cycle—running in brief spurts which wears down the motor.

Only one air conditioner size is right for your home, and it takes a trained technician to determine this!Even the most efficient air conditioner wouldn’t work properly if it were the wrong size.

Understand efficiency ratings

You should look for the most efficient system you can within your sizing needs if you really want to save. We know the initial cost is higher, but in Texas, the savings can be unbelievable!

The minimum SEER rating for a new air conditioner in Texas is 14, but the SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio) can go all the way up to 20 and beyond. We recommend over 16 SEER if you really want to start to see those savings roll in. You should notice it within the first full billing cycle of owning your new system!

Find the right installers for the job

Find the right technicians to install your new air conditioner, and you won’t have any trouble. It’s not worth it to try and find an air conditioner installation on your own and then hire someone to do the work: you’ll run into more trouble than it’s worth! Find someone to help you out from the very beginning, and you’ll get the perfect AC system for all your needs.

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Your High Efficiency
